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  • What puts this model above the rest (pun intended) is that you can set it to any height within the range. Other models have certain lock points, but not this bad boy. If your desired height is between 46 to 56 inches, this is the one for you. 
  • The design is remarkably intuitive. Since you’re going to be soaked climbing in and out of the water, you need something that is going to make that easier, right? You can’t be outside slipping and hurting yourself. That’s why its flat treads are so great to have. It is also great for nighttime use with its additional level of safety. 
  • The beige side rails with gray treads allow for high visibility. You’ll be able to notice the ladder even during those nightly dips. And, if there is a game of tag or Marco Polo happening in the water, no one will get blindsided by it during the horseplay. 
  • If you’re feeling like going above and beyond, try this one out. Construct a small deck with 4×4 posts and use it for jumping into the pool. Then, set up the ladder as your easy access point to the deck. It makes great for trick contests or a makeshift diving platform (if your pool is deep enough). 
  • You want a ladder built to last. You need one that’s safe as well. That’s why you ought to go with the one that’s made for you. Go with an Adjustable Heavy-Duty Above-Ground model from Confer.


  • Brand: Confer